How long will I give you before I scroll past your video? This is a central question to videographers.

The rule of thumb used to be three seconds. We make up our minds within three seconds whether to watch or not watch, a brutally short period of time
But now they're saying it's actually five frames. Five frames. Five frames for a standard video amounts to about a fifth of a second.
Yes, we are talking about the TikTokian Universe which is famously unforgiving. But still, it is a mind bogglingly brief period of time.
Last month, I dipped my toe into the super short video world to try to figure out what it all means. I bring you my observations in this video.
Why are short videos so fascinating?
Can they be used to tell a story?
And can the communal language of the super short video speak of bratwurst corpses, distant baking competitions, and vacuum cleaner mice?
Find me on TikTok @beckybruhn and Instagram @raisinpocket